Archives for February 2012

Roman Key Cards, 1430 and 1340

Return to the Bridge Burglar's Guide to Bridge Bidding Conventions To minimize the possibility of going too high too fast, there are other variations of the Blackwood system using 4 NT as asking for Aces that attempt to convey more relevant information right away and still keep the bid as low as … [Read more...]

Bridge scoring

Return to the Bridge Burglar’s Contract Bridge Primer Contract bridge scoring: Here are the points scoring tables for contract bridge NT Spades Hearts Diamonds Clubs 7 (13 tricks) 220 210 210 140 140 6 (12 … [Read more...]

Playing of the bridge hand

Return to the Bridge Burglar’s Contract Bridge Primer After the contract has been determined, the players proceed to the playing of the bridge hand, to see how many tricks the offensive players can make and how that will relate to their prediction in the bidding (the contract). While all four … [Read more...]

The Auction

Return to the Bridge Burglar’s Contract Bridge Primer Every hand of bridge starts with a auction. The purpose of the bridge auction (or the bidding) in contract bridge is to determine which pair will play on offense (or, in bridge terms, will try to make a contract), and which pair will play on … [Read more...]