Archives for February 2016

Breaking out of a Slump

Like any competitive endeavor, bridge is in large measure a mental game – the attitude that you bring to the table will greatly influence your results. If you let yourself be intimidated by the better players, you will get bad boards against them. But by the same token, if you underestimate … [Read more...]

Sam the Slammer

What does it really take to make a Slam? Some optimists say you should start thinking Slam once you’ve determined that between you and your partner you have a minimum of 29 high-card points. Others say you need at least 30 or even more. As with everything else in bridge, there’s probably no … [Read more...]

An Unusual Entry

Bridge players love to tell each other about the strangest things that ever happened during a bridge tournament they attended. We keep telling people about the time when the a/c went out during a Regional in Fort Lauderdale, where profuse sweating made everyone Ill-tempered, and also about the time … [Read more...]