Archives for June 2012

Lebensohl bridge convention

Return to the Bridge Burglar's Guide to Bridge Bidding Conventions The Lebensohl bidding convention is an offensive bidding convention and was designed as a way to deal with interference after a 1 No-Trump opening. There are different ways of playing the convention and it can get very confusing … [Read more...]

Snapdragon doubles bridge convention

Return to the Bridge Burglar's Guide to Bridge Bidding Conventions Nobody knows where the term comes from, but it’s a colorful name and you may want to adopt this offensive bidding convention just because it’s such a snazzy name. It is used to tell your partner that you have the only unbid suit, … [Read more...]

Support doubles bridge convention

Return to the Bridge Burglar's Guide to Bridge Bidding Conventions This is an offensive convention designed to tell your partner in a cheap way (without going too high) that you have some support in his or her trump suit, namely three of them. Here’s how it goes: Let’s say you’re the Dealer as … [Read more...]

Help Suit Game Try bridge convention

Return to the Bridge Burglar's Guide to Bridge Bidding Conventions This is an offensive convention designed to find a fit for Game even though one of the two partners professes to have only minimal values.  A “Help Suit Game Try” bid asks a partner for help with a weak suit to see if there is a … [Read more...]

Reverses bridge convention

Return to the Bridge Burglar's Guide to Bridge Bidding Conventions Reverses are an offensive bidding mechanism to indicate to your partner that you have more than a minimum opening, to be more aggressive to reach a possible Game or maybe even more. In Standard American, a “reverse” is defined as … [Read more...]

Unusual vs. unusual bridge convention

Return to the Bridge Burglar's Guide to Bridge Bidding Conventions This is an offensive bidding convention designed to deal—and defeat --  with the often problematic interference bid of 2 No-Trump after an opening in a major suit. Such a 2 NT interference bid promises a distribution of at least … [Read more...]

Puppet Stayman bridge convention

Return to the Bridge Burglar's Guide to Bridge Bidding Conventions This is an offensive bidding convention used only after a strong 2 No-Trump opening bid, indicating a balanced hand with 20-21 high-card points, designed to find a 5-3 or a 4-4 fit in a major suit to play a Game contract in either … [Read more...]

Texas transfers bridge convention

Return to the Bridge Burglar's Guide to Bridge Bidding Conventions Everything’s big in Texas, so Texas transfers are big transfers. Under the normal Jacoby transfers, the responder to a 1 No-Trump opening bid says 2 Diamonds if he has 5 Hearts and 2 Hearts if he has 5 Spades. This is to ensure … [Read more...]

Splinters bridge convention

Return to the Bridge Burglar's Guide to Bridge Bidding Conventions This is an offensive bidding convention designed to force the auction to Game level in an established trump suit (and keep the door open to Slam ) taking advantage of shortness in one of the two partners’ hands with a void or … [Read more...]

Smolen bridge convention

Return to the Bridge Burglar's Guide to Bridge Bidding Conventions This is an offensive bidding convention used after a 1 No-Trump opening to find a Game fit in either of the major suits (or default to 3 NT), and to ensure that the big hand of the 1 NT opening bidder will remain hidden as the … [Read more...]