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The so-called Bergen raise is a bidding system devised by its inventor, Mary Bergen, to determine, with great precision, the total point strength between partners to have a better idea whether the contract should be played in a partial, at Game level or higher after an opening in a five-card major suit (Spades or Hearts).
Bergen raises are artificial jump bids to the 3 level and are used to indicate support of at least four cards in the opener’s trump suit. All Bergen raise bids are then artificial and indicate point strength as follows:
3 Clubs – weak hand, 7-10 points
3 Diamonds – invitation to Game, 11-12 high-card points
3 in the opener’s suit (Spades or Hearts), preemptive and weak, 7 high-card points or fewer
4 in the opener’s suit (Spades or Hearts), preemptive and weak, 7 high-card points or fewer but at least 5 of the opener’s trump suit.
As with Drury and Reverse Drury to find out of an opening bid represented a real opening-point strength hand or not, Bergen raises are often forgotten by partners and mistaken for natural bids. It is highly recommended that only experienced players and partners who are very used to playing with each other try them. The possibilities for confusion are great.
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This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for wrigint!