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The Jacoby 2 No Trump bid is an artificial bid designed to determine right away if you and partner have the combined strength to play at least at the Game level in 4 of a major suit – perhaps even more. It is also one of those modern bids that communicate two things at the same time – a “two-fer,” so to say.
If a partner opens with any “1” bid in a major suit (Spades or Hearts), a Jacoby 2 NT response bid means that you have opening-point strength and at least 4 in the opener’s suggested trump suit.
A Jacoby 2 NT bid is forcing to Game level and may also be invitational to explore Slam possibilities if the original opening bidder had extra values beyond a minimum opening with a five-card major.
This convention is named after Oswald Jacoby, the same man who invented Jacoby transfers after 1 No-Trump opening bids. It is a rare case of one and the same person giving his name to two different bidding conventions.
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