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New minor forcing is an offensive bidding convention designed to find a fit in responder’s major suit. It is forcing for one bid, but not necessarily for going to Game. Example: (Opponents pass throughout – the convention is off after interference) North opens the auction with a minor suit. South responds with a One bid in one of the major suits. North rebids 1 No-Trump, meaning he has a minimum opening bid and no four-card support in the responder’s major. If South has at least 10 points and five cards in his major suit, he then rebids the other minor at the 2 level. That bid is alertable by the North partner as “new minor forcing.” It does NOT mean the bidder has that minor suit (Clubs or Diamonds). It simply means: “If you have last least three cards in my major, raise me in my suit.” it is invitational (but not forcing) to Game level in the responder’s five-card major. If North does not have three-card support for the major, he may sign off at 2 No-Trump. If North does have three cards in the responder’s major suit, he bids 2 or 3 of that suit depending on whether he was at the top or at the bottom of the point range for his opening bid. If North doesn’t have at least 3 Spades, he can bid 2 No-Trump, or, if his minor was a five-card suit, he can rebid that at the 3 level.
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