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This is an offensive bidding convention used after a 1 No-Trump opening to find a Game fit in either of the major suits (or default to 3 NT), and to ensure that the big hand of the 1 NT opening bidder will remain hidden as the Declarer’s hand so as not to give the opponents any clues on how to attack it. Smolen is used only when the responder to the 1 NT opening has at least 10-high card points and has 5-4 holdings in the major suits. In this case, responder will use the 2 Clubs Stayman convention even though he has a five-card major. If the 1 No-Trump opener bids either major at the 2 level, the responder will raise to game in that suit, knowing they have at least an 8-card fit. If opener rebids 2 Diamonds denying a four-card major, partner will jump to the 3 level in the shorter of his two majors, in other words the four-card suit. If the 1 NT opener has three cards in the other unbid major (in which the responder by his negative bid has now promised five cards), the 1 NT opener can still raise to Game in that major suit with a 5-3 fit. If the 1 NT opener does not have three cards in the other major suit, he can sign off at 3 NT since the partnership does have the required point strength for that Game.
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Thanks to have the opportunity to speak my mind:
Why would you not use also this convention with 8 HCP. Bidding 2H/2S with 8HCP and bidding 3H/3S with 10HCP.
A. 1NT, 2C, 2D, 2H (8 HCP)
1. With 15 HCP declarer bids 2NT (denying 3 Spades support) or bids 2S with spade support. – Final contract
2. With 17HCP declarer bids 3NT (denying 3 spades support) or bids 4S with spade support.
B. 1NT, 2C, 2D, 2S (8HCP)
1. With 15 HCP declarer bids 2NT (denying 3 Hearts support) or 3H with Heart support. -Final contract.
(It is true that you are at the 3d level instead of the 2d level, but having the declarer playing the hand he/she will probably have a extra trick making 3 instead of 2 and score 30 points more.) – Using Smolen convention benefit.
2. With 17HCP declarer bids 3NT (denying 3 spades support) or bids 4S with 3 spade support.
Am I missing something?
Please let me know.
Cecile Naar
Thank you for your comment. You are right — many people play the Smolen convention that way, too. It is a matter of partnership agreement. Generally, the bridge burglar believes in limiting artificial bids to a minimum and keeping it as simple as possible. There is less possibility of confusion that way and less chance that partners will not understand a bid. This is especially true for beginning and intermediate players and for more experienced players who may play with several different partners.