Joan "Miss Timid Again?" Rightnour and her partner Tina "I'm the Really Timid One!" Perelli proved once again that woman are probably the stronger sex when they whipped the male team of John "Unlucky Louie" Walston and Jason "Geek" Cohen at the Wednesday (1-30-2013) luncheon meeting of our office … [Read more...]
Missed defensive signal costs Burglar big time
John "Unlucky Louie" and partner Jason "Geek" Cohen scored a pretty impressive victory -- at least if you go by the numbers -- at the Tuesday luncheon meeting of our office Bridge Club, beating the pair of Pieter "Cy the Cynic" VanBennekom and Joan "Not Miss Timid Anymore" Rightnour by a total score … [Read more...]
What’s better – a bridge cruise or just doing nothing?
Joan "Not Miss Timid Anymore" Rightnour took a long hiatus from bridge and hadn't played since before Christmas when she sat down at the table for the Wednesday luncheon meeting of the PBP Bridge Club. Jason "Sailorman" Cohen, on the other hand, went on a week-long bridge cruise through the … [Read more...]
When you get good cards, you’re obligated to get the most out of them
Tina "Gimme Some Cards!" Pirelli likes to have good cards dealt to her, but in bridge, that also imposes the obligation to bid them right and get the most out of them. Tina achieved the first goal at the Tuesday luncheon meeting of the PBP Bridge Club, as she and partner Pieter "Cy the Cynic" … [Read more...]
Lunchtime riches: Bidding the right small slam
Phil "Mr. MasterPoint" Ahr got such good cards at the Thursday luncheon meeting of our office Bridge Club that he had to pause several times to count his riches, like rich Uncle McDuck counting his money of the old comic books. Joan "Not Miss Timid Anymore" Rightnour even offered to run to her desk … [Read more...]
When you have nothing: When to bid, when to pass
Having nothing doesn't always mean that you're off the hook and you can just sit back during the auction and pass all the time. There are occasions when you have to bid -- and then there are occasions when you'd better pass, even when your partner wants you to bid. It is admittedly different to … [Read more...]
With 25 points, you gotta get to game
The team of John "Unlucky Louie" Walston and Jim "Mr,. Defense" Giuliano left no doubt who's boss, beating Jason "Thumbs" Cohen and Joan "Generally Not Miss Timid Anymore" Rightnour by a total score of 1,600 to 370 at the Friday luncheon meeting of our office bridge club. "Louie" and Jim took the … [Read more...]
When overtaking your partner’s king with the ace is smart
Among bridge players it is a well-known fact that trumping your partner's Ace is legitimate cause for justifiable homicide -- you can shoot any partner who does that and if the judge knows anything about bridge, he'll let you off. But what about overtaking your partner's King with your Ace? In … [Read more...]