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Cue bids in bridge can be used both on offense or on defense. Cue bids generally mean “I have everything BUT that suit” (the last suit bid by an opponent) and invites the partner of the cue bidder to pick any suit (or No-Trump if he/she believes he has the suit bid by the opponents covered).
The following sequence is an example of a cue bid:
North | East | South | West |
2 ♥ | 3 ♥ | ? | ? |
This indicates a strong hand with values everywhere BUT Hearts. It is an invitation to partner to bid any other suit (No-Trump only if partner believes he/she has Hearts well covered with at least 2 stoppers).
Cue bids can be effective but are extremely risky and it is recommended that beginners stay away from them to avoid confusion. Cue bids should only be used between experienced partners who know each other’s bidding styles well and are not likely to be confused.
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