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This is an offensive bidding convention used only after a strong 2 No-Trump opening bid, indicating a balanced hand with 20-21 high-card points, designed to find a 5-3 or a 4-4 fit in a major suit to play a Game contract in either major. The purpose of the convention is to combine Jacoby transfers and Stayman used after a 1 NT opening into one single system, since the 2 NT opener already took one level of bidding space away.
In Puppet Stayman, assuming the opponents are silent, if the responder has enough values to go to Game and at least one four-card major, he bids 3 Clubs, which is an alertable bid. If the 2 NT opener has a five-card major, he bids it. If the responder has three-card support, he raises to Game. If responder does not, he bids 3 NT.
If opener has one or both 4-card majors, he bids 3 Diamonds. If responder has both four-card majors, he bids 4 Diamonds, inviting opener to bid Game in either major. If responder has only one four-card major, he bids the other major at the 3 level, inviting the 2 NT opener to bid Game in the major suit in which the 4-4 fit has now been found. This ensures that the strong hand of the 2 NT opener will remain hidden, while the weaker responder’s hand will now become the dummy.
If the 2 NT opener has neither four-card major (or a 5-card major, either), he signs off at 3 NT after his partner has invited him to explore a major fit with the 3 Clubs Puppet Stayman bid.
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What if responder has 5H & 4S, 5 – 10HCP? Also 5S & 4H.